no comment

the title of this post does not reflect the content of this post. because i do have a comment. i do have a few thoughts running through my head. first of all, i suppose that the purpose of this post is to simply remind you, and myself, that i am still here.

and i have a question.

why is it that we live as though this world is our only reality? – as though the door to the start of every day is hinged upon our success in this life.

i said earlier, that i am here. while there is an element of truth to that, i am also by no means here. my heart – the longing of my soul is in Him. in eternity.

to follow Christ is to live a paradox. the kingdom of heaven is entirely “other” than we are. we must live, while being called to die. in Christ’s kingdom, the first are last. the least of these is greatest. we are children of the King of Kings, and called to be servants of all. we are crucified with Christ, yet we live, or rather, He lives in us. we occupy time and are bound to these physical bodies. yet our spirit lives, moves, and breathes in eternal life and in “our life that is hidden with Christ in God.” (col. 3:3)  in a way, i suppose, we are both bound by time, and freed from it – we are eternal.

we are to live in light of eternity. and we are to live in this very moment. this moment that He so graciously and lovingly gives to us. yet aren’t we are so often bound in the fear of tomorrow’s moments? wasting. overlooking. ignoring. disregarding what we are given  r.i.g.h.t  n.o.w.

how then, is it possible to live both in this moment, and in eternity? i would ask then, how is it not possible, in Christ? such things i cannot fully explain. but i trust them. and i trust the One who has called me to them.

may we pour ourselves fully into each moment as it is given to us. let us offer each moment back to the One who transcends time itself. even if the moment is painful. even if the intricacies of life have woven themselves into a seemingly impossible mess. every moment is given to us that we may give it back. in praise. in love. for the glory of the One who “loved us and gave Himself for us.” (gal. 2:20)

so, revel in the beautiful chaos of each moment. and take comfort. every moment given to you comes from tender and nail-scarred hands. out of love for you.

live  fully in the r.i.g.h.t.  n.o.w.  live fully in eternity. you were not made to be bound to this world.

embrace the longing within you for that which is entirely “other” than this world. search out the things that you cannot see. reach out for the things that you cannot touch.

run hard after the kingdom.

“if i find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that i was made for another world.” – C.S. Lewis

“i believe the promises of God enough to venture an eternity on them.” – Isaac Watts

…………..and because i can’t seem to post a blog entry without a photograph, here is one for your viewing pleasure (or displeasure – either way….)

running hard after Him,



one moment. captured for eternity.

One thought on “no comment

  1. I love this post AnnaGrace!! It is indeed profound! There is, in every believer, a longing for the things of eternity – thanks for reminding me and making me more conscious of that inner desire for the eternal, for Him!! I love you!! Dad

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